Bridging Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Our Bridging Electrical & Electronic Engineering online distance learning course has been developed to make the level 4 BTEC HNC in Engineering and beyond accessible to more people. You could be looking to study the Electrical & Electronic pathway, but may also be looking at the General, Mechanical, Manufacturing or Operations Engineering pathways, within all of which you can opt to study Electrical & Electronic units as optional units.

Our expert team of electrical and electronic tutors have developed this bridging course to prepare individuals for the challenges that the Pearson Level 4 BTEC in Engineering courses bring.

The course will prepare you in the following areas:
1. Fundamentals
2. DC Circuits
3. AC Circuits
4. Digital Electronics
5. Magnetism and Electromagnetism

The course is highly interactive and is accessed via a link to our Totara virtual learning environment. It renders perfectly on a smartphone, tablet or laptop. Simply log in with your email and password, then you will see a host of interactive sections, each containing essential topics and theory. Interactive quizzes, exercises, and videos will cement your knowledge and build your confidence.

• Dedicated specialist tutor support via email or telephone
• Over 2 hours of pre-recorded video content
• Optional initial induction with a senior electrical & electronic engineering tutor
• Will upskill electricians and technicians for career advancement
• Expert video tutorials to complement the learning materials
• Interactive online assessments
• All learning resources can be accessed 24/7 via Totara and the mobile app
• Course builds knowledge in sections (programmed learning
• Interactive further problems to enhance your understanding
• Go back and relearn mode (particularly useful for when you enrol on the HNC)

Please note it is strongly recommended for most learners that they study the Bridging Maths course alongside this course.

Module Details - How Will It Work?

Casio Scientific Calculator Demo

SI Base Units

SI Derived Units

SI Prefixes

Graph Simulator (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced)

Ohm's Law

Resistors in Series and Parallel

Getting Started with MicroCap Simulator

Simple DC Resistive Network - MicroCap Simulator

Kirchoff's Voltage and Current Laws

Current Division

DC Series RC Circuit - MicroCap Simulator

DC Series RL Circuit - MicroCap Simulator

The Superposition Theorem - Basics

Norton's Theorem

Thevenin and Norton Equivalents - MicroCap Simulator

Two-Source DC Network - TINA Simulator

Two Source DC Resistive Network - MicroCap Simulator

Three Source DC Network - TINA Simulator Diodes

The Bipolar Transistor - DC Analysis

The MOSFET - DC Analysis

Transistor Regulator

Graphics and Polar Signals

Sinusoids and Radian Measure

Series RC-CR Filters -TINA Simulator

Series RL Low Pass Filter - MicroCap Simulator

Series RL High Pass Filter - MicroCap Simulator

Series RLC Circuit - TINA Simulator

Series RLC Tuned Circuit - Microcap Simulator

Parallel AC RC Circuit - MicroCap Simulator

Series LR and RL Filters - TINA Simulator

Sinusoidal Differentiation - MicroCap Simulator

Complex Waves from Sinusoids - Graph Simulator

The Mysterious Root 3 and 3 Phase Systems Analysis - TINA-MicroCap Simulator

Vector Quantities

Vector (Cross) Product and Scalar (Dot) Product

Simultaneous Equations

Plotting Vectors with Software Rectifiers

Bipolar Transistor Signal Amplifier

MOSFET Transistor Signal Amplifier

Push-Pull Transistor Output Stage

The Operational Amplifier

Digital Electronic Devices

Combinational Logic

Sequential Logic

Digital Circuits

Magnetic Fields

Electromagnetic Induction - DC Motor Generator


Electromagnetic Properties of Materials

Entry Requirements - How Do I Apply?

We currently recommend that you have at least a level 2 qualification in engineering, or have some form of experience, for example as an electrician. Please contact us for further guidance on whether this course is suitable for you.

Payment Plans

Below you will see the payment options for Bridging Electrical & Electronic Engineering, as well as the payment options for the Bridging Bundle (Maths + Electrical & Electronic Engineering). Please note: you are required to enrol before purchasing your course.

Step 1: Submit your application form. You will receive an email with our decision within one working day.

Step 2: Once your application is approved (subject to eligibility) you will receive confirmation of this via email, along with instruction to submit an enrolment form.

Step 3: Once you have completed both forms, you can then purchase your course.

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Progression - What Can I Do After My Course?

After completing your bridging courses, we invite you to start considering your next move. The natural step would be to enrol on a Pearson Edexcel HNC in Engineering.


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